Thursday, December 5, 2013

A COLD day in Colorado

We are getting an artic blast here in Colorado and all I can think of is keeping my dog safe and warm in all of this weather.  When it dips down in the minus degrees it really is dangerous to leave your pet outside.

I currently let a couple of dogs out in the afternoon....yesterday they thought they could play in the snow, but quickly found out that it was too cold.  The female pup did hold up her paw in protest to the cold snow.  So please remember to take care, and be on the watch even when you let your dog out to go potty!!

My Molly's feet feel extremely cold when I let her out just for a few minutes.  In other words, right now, it is not fit for man or beast!!  Keep your pet safe!  A warm dog is a happy dog!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Still Walking

My Molly and I are still able to walk daily here in Colorado....we have had a couple of beautiful weeks of warm weather....sometimes in the 60's.  I love it because by midday, the sun feels so warm and we can walk long and hard and not get too sweaty.

I currently have a couple of clients that I see every day too and we walk as well.  I wonder sometimes why I am very tired at night, and then I realize that I have been on 3 walks in a day!  All of this is good however, for me and the pups too.  We are all keeping in shape and definitely sleeping well!

Remember to walk your pet whenever you can.  If you can't, then get someone who can.  They need the daily exercise.  It helps to keep their weight down.  They will be happier and healthier too.  But you both will benefit the most just being together and seeing the wonderful outdoors.  And your pup will love you for it!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Over the summer and now into the Fall, Molly and I have done many walks together.  The wonderful thing about walking is all that you see, smell and feel as you walk along, not to mention how good it all is for your health.

I will admit that my clothes are a little looser on me glad for that!  Molly is keeping healthy as well and she looks forward to our walks daily.  We have walked in rain, sunshine, and now snow.  

We have seen all sorts of creatures too....all types of birds, snakes, and lots of deer.  When we come upon another dog, Molly is excited to meet....but I always hold her leash tightly not knowing what to expect.  I always ask if the other person's dog is friendly.  Sometimes people don't want their dog to interact with yours so keep that in mind.

In Parker we have a leash law and it is for your dog's safety to keep him or her on the leash.  One day while walking, I had Molly heeling next to me.  We started to walk across the street as a car had stopped in the crosswalk to let us go.  The car behind the first car decided to speed around and drive through the crosswalk anyway.  I am certain that if I didn't have Molly right next to me, that this car would have hit her!  So I cannot stress enough the importance of a leash.  

Molly and I will continue walking now through the winter.   With that comes coats, sweaters, gloves, hats and boots.  Winter is more difficult to deal with because it takes more work to just get out the door.  I love the freedom of summer to just throw on a pair of walking shoes and go!  But in the end, that won't stop me.  Molly always comes to me with her sweet face and that look that says: "can we go walk now"?

Friday, September 20, 2013

FALL is Coming!

Fall will be here before we know it....there are subtle changes happening in my neighborhood.  It is darker in the a.m., the air is cooler and yesterday I noticed some trees starting to change.  Most people will tell you that Fall is their favorite time of year, but it always makes me kinda sad realizing that winter is not far behind.  I am definitely a fair weather girl and I love summer and the heat!

I am currently watching some pups for a friend who lives near me.... the best part is that I can drive to her house or walk.  The walk takes me about a half hour to get from my door to hers!

The other day I was walking along a path that connects my neighborhood to hers.  There is a wide open space with pasture next to this path, and I noticed that someone had put up a gate that I could walk though, but with a sign that said: CATTLE CROSSING, MAKE SURE TO CLOSE GATE!  This was new to me so I took note of it.

On my way back I had to go through the gate again, and just as I  arrived the owner of that pasture was walking with a whole herd of cows following behind him.  They were right at my level and were looking at me and mooing - they were so beautiful with their big brown eyes!  So this gentlemen and I exchanged words about the weather and how he was taking care of his cows and moving them to higher ground since we had experienced so much rain!  He was a happy man and it was so interesting to see his cows following him!  This encounter made my day for sure.  My only regret is that I didn't have my sweet Molly with me....I would have loved to see her reaction!

Enjoy every day as it comes.....Fall will be here soon, and before we know it, the snow will be flying!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Molly and I have had quite a summer together.... we have walked nearly every day except for when I have been gone on a weekend, then my husband has walked with Molly too.  She has had friends to come and play and walk with her and she loves it.  That is Molly above with her two friends: Daisy and Stoli.

On our many walks we always manage to see something that makes me feel blessed by having a pet to take care of and love.  I would not see all that I have seen this summer if Molly did not need that daily walk.

Today as we were walking we came upon a house with a dog running free in the backyard.  At first I thought he was loose, but I soon realized that he had an invisible fence.  You could see it on his collar.  Anyway, he was running at full speed around his house over and over again!  This house was a huge ranch so it took him a bit to make it all the way around.  He looked so free and happy with tail wagging and tongue hanging out!

Molly and I stopped to watch for a made me wonder if all those doggies in Heaven just run and run with the freedom of being so loved by our Heavenly Father!  I am one of those who believes that ALL dogs go to Heaven and so I take comfort that my Charlie is up there running free right now.

When we put Charlie down over a year ago, I watched and felt his spirit go out of his sweet body.....and I know that spirit went somewhere.  He was gone to a better animal with so much love to give like a dog, cannot be ignored by GOD.   GOD spelled backwards is DOG so I have to wonder about this creature.  They are special.  They are full of love for us and a joy to own.  So, give your pup some extra special love today, and may all those dogs in Heaven run free forever!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Dog's Unconditional LOVE

It is amazing to me how much of a dog's life is spent "waiting."  They wait to be fed, to go potty outside, and for us to come home from a long day at work.  We as humans are not good at waiting.... we are impatient in most circumstances!  As I type this, my Molly is waiting for me to take her on our daily walk together.

But a dog will take vigil and wait all day long for his master to come home.  I have witnessed this behavior in more than one dog I have had in my care.  It makes me sad to watch them, because they have no idea how long they could be waiting for that door to open!

Loyalty and unconditional love is truly a dog's character..... it is in his or hers makeup.  It is the way GOD made them. 

Just remember to never take your dog's loyalty for granted.... you may be out and about and living a busy life all day, but your sweet pup has been waiting for you.... patiently.... unconditionally.  So give your dog some extra special love today..... he or she has been waiting for it from you.  Let us give that love freely, just as they freely love us.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

MOLLY and FRIENDS: Stoli and Daisy

Here is a picture of my Molly with her two best buddies: Stoli and Daisy.  In a way they are very dear to her since she spent time with them at their home after their Mom rescued Molly from the Dumb Friends League.  I won't go into all the details, but I can tell you what a loving person with a good heart can do for these creatures.  I thank GOD for their Mom, Katie, each and every day, because without her, we would not have Molly.

It is funny how life works and how this all started with a friend of a friend letting someone know that a dog needed a good home.  We had just lost our Charlie four months earlier....and Molly came into our lives to fill that hole that Charlie left.  She is very loving to us and loyal too.  I never go anywhere in the house without her right at my heels!

Since I had Charlie featured on Rainbow Bridge on Facebook, I check there often, and read over and over the grief of someone losing their beloved pet.  But I recommend this site.... shared grief helps.  And those of us who have felt the sting can help those going through it.   Here is how Charlie was shown:

It still brings tears to my eyes when I look at it.  But that is what a loving pet does.  They come into your life to give you that unconditional love.  I am now able to say that when you lose a loving dog, don't close up your heart..... open it again wide for another bundle of love.  Adopt from a shelter.....too many of our loving canines have been abandoned there alone.  My Molly is proof of what a loving heart can do for a  dog.... thank you sweet Katie.... the Gonzalez family is forever grateful!

P.S. If you have a pup, give them a HUG today!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dog Sitting is Fun

I am having such a great time dog sitting this summer!  GOD has blessed me with so many little bundles of fur.  There is much love to go around and I am happy that my heart is full.

After the loss of Charlie I didn't think I could love another dog so soon.  But our Molly found us through a friend of a friend.  She licked my face and gave me her paw and did the same for my husband, and we took her home!

After being around so many dogs, I have come to realize that all you must do is LOVE them.  They seem to know you are caring for them and their response is unconditional in return. 

I have a challenge coming up.  I will be dog sitting/house sitting for a lady who has 2 labs and one of them is blind.  You can tell this dog's sense of smell and hearing is excellent.  It does break my heart, but he was rescued and was saved from being put down, just because he was blind!  What a wonderful thing this family has done for him!

It is wonderful to know there are so many caring people in this world for GOD'S creatures!  And I thank you all here.  May your hearts be full of their unconditional love!  It takes a special heart to love these creatures given to us in our lives.  May we always be honorable in our care for them!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Enjoying All the Pups!

It has been such a blessing this summer to be around so many pups for days at a time.  Maybe some do a pet sitting job just for the sake of the job.  For me, I am learning that GOD can open my heart big enough to let all the love in from each sweet pup I take care of.

My heart still grieves for the loss of my sweet Charlie who we had for 11 years.  I can think of him and instantly the tears come....

I certainly won't forget all the fun and love I received from a Freedom service dog named Cinder.  She was one of a kind and will someday be a Therapy Dog for Camp Bow Wow.

And I won't forget seeing Gander graduate with Lonnie, his new owner on stage at Freedom.  He was nominated for Service Dog of the year and came in second place.  He is becoming very well known, has his own Facebook page and is on Instagram as well.  It was a joy to meet him and now follow all that he does for Lonnie and as a therapy dog too!

Over a year ago I retired from teaching Figure Skating.... and now I have a new passion.  Dogs and cats too, are such a gift for us of unconditional love.  If you are one of the lucky ones to own a ball of love, may you never take it for granted!

And on my free days, my Molly and I go for long walks together.... she never leaves my side and we are so blessed by this dog who we rescued... but I really believe she found us!

Friday, July 26, 2013

My Molly

In the early morning I reach for my coffee and devotionals and sit quietly in my office.  Molly loves to run upstairs before me, and she always brings her toy along with her.  I know she is planning on playing with me.  We bought her a Kong which seems to last a long time with all the pulling and biting on it.  Kongs are great for dogs and well worth the money!

This particular morning she was looking at me and I was able to catch this cute picture shown above.  When I call her sometimes, she lifts her head and listens to her name being called. 

We are enjoying our daily walks together and on the last few we have had a lone deer run right out in front of us.  Both times we were surprised by this and I did grab hold tightly of Molly's harness since I could see she would love to be able to run after the deer.

I have learned from volunteering at Freedom Service Dogs, that the harness is best for dogs.  A leash on a collar can do damage to their necks and a harness is very secure.  We purchased a Kong harness for Molly..... it has an extra handle on the top of it which I love to use.

Kong products are wonderful and you can buy them at any local pet store.  Make sure to take your pup out for a walk this weekend.  You both will benefit!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I don't know about you, but I love sunflowers.  It is the time of year where they are blooming all around the paths that I walk on with Molly in Idyllwilde.  She of course doesn't see them as I do, but they are a welcome sight.  Did you ever notice that a sunflower is ALWAYS turned towards the sun? 

I love their color and their stalks are tall and sway with the wind.... they seem so happy and full of joy too!   I love when I see a bunch together, all looking at me as if to say: have a day filled with joy!

There are many wildflowers blooming as well, and if you walk early enough you will see the deer.  The other morning we saw a baby and it's mama.  The baby ran off, but the mama keep her focus on Molly and I.  I am positive she wanted to make sure we didn't come too close and that her baby was protected!.

Even though we are bound to get hot days here, I love the cool of the early morning and so does Molly.  We seem to walk faster and cover more ground together.  Enjoy this time of year.... it will be gone before we realize .... it is truly a blessing for us all!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wondering about Cinder

Not too long ago, I had the wonderful privilege of fostering sweet CINDER.  I was asked to take care of her for Freedom Service dogs and her foster dad who was out of the country at the time.

She was with us one week, and then another four....long enough to get attached to her.  I cannot tell you how she took hold of my heart.  I also had her for one week when she was a small puppy....she was extremely cute!

She presently is in the Canine Prison training system to be a therapy dog for someone.  I don't know why, but I think about her every day.  I wonder what she is learning and how that trainer will learn to love her just as I have. 

There just was something special about her.... her look and her nature.  She had a gentleness about her.... a kindness.

Everyone who met her thought she was special....I don't know why I was so lucky to have her, but I just know that there will forever be a hole in my heart where she was, and I will never forget her time spent with us!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hero Dogs

How lucky I have been this week and weekend to be able to watch a sweet pup named Maeby.  I was hired by a family to come and spend time with her each day.  Of course that involves playtime, feeding, petting, and walking.

Right now the Hero Dogs Awards are taking place with the opportunity to vote each day for some very special dogs... but in my mind, ALL dogs are heroes to their families.  They are heroes in a way that they are loyal and loving to those around them.  I can tell that Maeby misses her family, but for now I am the next best thing.  She continues to greet me at the door with her tail wagging and a loving lick on my hand when I reach out to pet her.

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes and temperaments.  If you own one, you are so blessed!  Take good care of your pup, because they do care for us in so many special ways.  Their unconditional love for us makes them all heroes whether they are in the battlefield, or leading the blind, or just an average family pet. 

Maxine & Molly

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Sweet Girl!

My Molly and I are so blessed to be able to walk daily together.  I always see something new.  There is much building going on with new homes in Idyllwilde.  Richmond is building behind us and Village as well.  Looks like Toll Brothers will start a new area soon.  So there are many changes around us going on.  We usually walk by the beautiful Idyllwilde pool that is now open, pictured above.  It seems to be busier on the weekends and empty during the weekdays. 

But one thing never changes and that is Molly's love for me.  She gets very excited when I take out her leash and she jumps up and down with anticipation for her daily walk with me.  And so we set out together and I always wonder what we will see.

Yesterday, I noticed all the beautiful potted plants on porches.  I love the porches in Idyllwilde.  Everyone takes care to make them inviting!  I try to picture myself seated on each one.  All have wonderful views.... all are a blessing.  Yesterday I officially put out my rocking chair on my porch which always invites me to sit and stay a while!

I have started to take Molly earlier in the mornings before it gets too hot.... she doesn't seem to be bothered by the heat.  I take water along for her and she sips here and there....don't forget that water for your pup!

Get out and take a walk and see our beautiful area.... right now all the flowers are in full bloom.  Even the wildflowers are popping up!  You won't be disappointed at all.  I know Molly and I are not.... walking daily is good medicine for you and your dog!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

In the days of a dog, I watch and pay attention.  I am reminded of Charlie.... it has now been one year since we lost our precious yellow lab!  There are many things that Molly and Charlie have in common, but there are many ways in which they are very different from one another.  And that is a good thing. 

My grief is teaching me that what all dogs have in common is a gentleness and sweetness, that can only come from Heaven above.  Their unconditional love for us is a treasure that we should not overlook.  They seem to just know when we are sad and when we need that special lick on our face as if to say: "I love you when no one else will."

My Molly is very much like Charlie in that she is forever by my side, wherever I go in the house.  So really, I am never alone.  Her constant presence is a comfort and peace to me no matter what I am going through.

If you are lucky enough to have a dog in your life, don't take them for granted.  When they are gone, you will surely know it and realize what a big presence they were in your days.

So hug your pup today.... they are waiting for you to scratch their belly, and rub their ears.  They will WAIT on you for anything.....dogs of grace are like that!


Monday, May 20, 2013

Remembering CHARLIE

I recently took my new rescue to the vet - it was a beautiful day outside, sunny and warm.  As I was sitting there waiting for Molly to get her nails trimmed and her Heartworm test done, I couldn't help but look outside the open window and remember....

You see a year ago this week, we had to put our beloved Charlie down and the day was very much like this day in the vet office on that visit.

Of course the tears came..... grief will do that to you.  Even with all the love of Molly and all the dogs I am blessed to be around at Freedom Service Dogs, there is still an ache for the one....

Charlie was a loyal lab, full of fun and love.  I would give anything to look into his huge brown eyes again.  But for now, I can't.  He has gone and has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

In my heart I believe there will be dogs in heaven.... their unconditional love for us is a small reflection of GOD'S love for us!

For now then, this is written for you Charlie, in your honor this month.  You gave us so much love for 11 years and you will never be forgotten.  Thank you for being by my side through all the ups and downs of life.   We will always love you.  Bless your sweet and gentle doggie heart!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Today my Molly and I went for our usual walk.  It was the first time this year that the breeze felt warm to me - yeh!  We made our way on one of the back paths and heard many birds singing together - I loved it.

All was well until I came upon a snake... they are NOT my favorite thing to see.  It was laying on the path I am sure getting warm.  I just am glad that I had hold of Molly and that she was on the other side of me - she always walks on the leash on my left.

We do have a leash law here in Parker so make sure you follow that.  Also, pick up after your pet - we will all benefit from that.  The summer is a good time to exercise your pup, but now that it is getting warmer, either do it early in the morning or late in the evening.

I am taking Molly in for her annual Heartworm test this week... make sure to give your pet their Heartworm medication this time of year.

Enjoy a walk with your pup and check out all the beautiful paths we have here in Idyllwilde.  You will feel great and so will your dog!

Monday, May 6, 2013

We are back from our week away on vacation and we left our sweet Molly with some friends: Katie and Chad.  They have 2 dogs of their own: Daisy and Stoli.  I knew I was leaving Molly in capable hands since Katie rescued Molly from being turned in to the Dumb Friends League.  I shudder to think what would have happened to her, since she is a little older and not a pup anymore!

For a week Molly was able to play and play with Daisy outside in the back yard.  I know they had fun because Katie said they were exhausted at the end of each day. 

It is a comforting thought to know that your dog is being loved and cared for in the same way you would if you were there.  A dog's love comes into your heart, and fills it up completely.  As a dog owner, you want that love returned to them 10 fold.

So this is a special "thank you" to Katie and Chad.... thank you for opening your wonderful home to our Molly.  Thank you for feeding and caring so well to Molly's needs. 

She is home now and back into her normal routine and I can't help but think that while we were on vacation, Molly had a little vacation of her own.

Blessings and Love to Chad and Katie!! XOXO
Oh and Molly thanks you too!

Monday, April 22, 2013

My Trip to Freedom Service Dogs

I was so honored this past Friday to go and volunteer at Freedom.  After you have gone through their volunteer training, you can show up at will and just say here I am, what can I do?!

This past Friday they had a list of pups that just needed a 20 minute walk, and so I took out one after another and we walked together on a trail close to FSD.

It was a little chilly that day but I soon warmed up.... my little pups walking alongside me just kept looking up at me as if to say, "I am so glad to get out of my kennel!"  It was a real treat for me.

My sweet friend who came along with me stayed inside and brushed one dog named HOLMES.  He was a sweetheart too, and you could see he loved being loved on.... he was a brown poodle/mix.

I always look forward to my visits at Freedom and I am so impressed by the love of all the trainers on these lucky dogs.  They are all rescued from shelters and so it is a win-win situation.  The dogs begin a new life of service and someone in need receives a much wanted service or therapy dog.

I have also fostered a few dogs as well: one dog I had for several weeks while her foster Dad was out of the country.  Her name is Cinder and she will always hold a special place in my heart.

I get to watch Cinder go through her training now, watch her grow up (she is a year old) and then graduate in the Freedom program.  I will be there at that graduation and I am looking forward to meeting the person who gets her for the rest of their life.

If you are interested, please go to Freedom Service Dogs site and they are on Facebook too.  You can make a donation there as well if you are led to do so.  It does take $25,000 to train a service dog from start to finish.  So keep them in mind if you love dogs, want a wonderful volunteer experience, or just want to donate to them. 

Dogs are so special and may we always cherish their unconditional love for us!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Molly and I are kinda stuck inside today.... it is cold out, windy and it just seems like winter all over again.  I have to wonder if Molly enjoys the cold?

Last night when it was snowing, I let her out to go potty and was doing something on the side, forgot for a bit that she was out.... when I let her in, she had the look on her face of "oh, you forgot me and left me out in the cold!"  I wiped her sweet feet and normally she follows me back to the family room.  This time she disappeared as if to say: "I am put out with you." 

So who says that dogs don't show their feelings!!!

I am back in her good graces today, however, she is sleeping by my side in my office as I type this!!  Dogs have that unconditional love that we all could certainly learn from.  Their love for us is a gift from GOD.  And I am so thankful that my Molly loves me in this way!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Walking Together

Today Molly and I had the pleasure of observing a young deer all by itself on our path.  I am sure that Mom was close although I didn't see her.

Molly took sight of her right away.... so I pulled her close on her leash and we both stood very still just watching.

I wonder what Molly was thinking seeing this creature.... but I do know what my thoughts were!  I am in awe sometimes of GOD'S creation.  How very simple and yet stunning are HIS workmanship.  HIS world is revealed all around us.... we just need to look.

And so this deer sighting was my bright spot in my day, Molly's too.... and I am thankful for it!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

An April Snow

It was cold today... honestly I woke up this morning to 5 degrees... and I must say what month
is it???  How could we have just had 70 degree weather this week!!

So Molly and I took a shorter walk because the cold air actually stung my face!  She was walking rather quickly too!  But we enjoyed our sweet time together... we always do!

The cold air is good for the soul however, and the bright blue sky was Heaven sent!  Walking in the Colorado fresh air is so good for yourself and your pup!  If you walk daily no matter what the weather, the rewards are so worth it.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Surprise on our Walk

On our walk yesterday, Molly and I saw 2 sweet ducks in a small pond by one of the walkways we take.  We could hear the quack quack from far away which drew Molly's attention.  If I had let go of the leash Molly would have jumped into that pond after them.  You could tell they were male and female.  But they were just so happy swimming around.... all of this was a wonderful picture and sign of Spring to me. 

Once again I am so thankful for my walks with my dog... if it weren't for her, I probably would not be doing all of this walking.... .getting out each day is good for Molly and for me and my spirit!

Walking a dog gives you time to think and ponder.... it is also a time for reflection.  Sometimes you get to see the world through the eyes of your dog.  They live entirely in the moment.... and we should learn to do this as well.  This is a special gift to me each and every day that I am very thankful for!

So I encourage you.... this is the time to get out and enjoy your dog, enjoy the moments, enjoy the Spring that is at hand!

Friday, March 29, 2013

My Molly

We lost our beloved Charlie almost a year ago... it broke our hearts.  He was a yellow lab that we got as a puppy.  We had him for 11 years and when he got sick it went very fast.  I thought that we would never have another dog....

And then Molly found us!

I heard about her through a friend... she had been rescued by a family and found in the snow as a pup.  They had her for 5 years and then needed to give her up due to moving.  I went to visit her and she immediately gave me her paw and licked me on the face.  It was love at first sight.  Then the real test came when she met my husband and did the same to him.  And so we took her home!   My Molly has been rescued twice in her sweet doggy life.  She has been lucky that way!

Molly seemed to fit into our routine almost immediately.... she is so easy and such a good girl in the house.  She figured out real quickly where she could and couldn't go, and she is spoiled with having 3 beds to lay on!  She will let you pet her as long as you like.  I have wondered if she would be a good therapy dog too.

We have had Molly for a few months now and she is a treasure!  Just know that when a dog finds you, they will love you with a big heart every single day!  Molly will slip in a quick kiss when I least expect it!  It is always a surprise, but a loving one.  I think these dogs know they are rescued and are lovingly thankful for their new home. 

Animals are GOD'S gift to us.... a gift of unconditional love for us.

GIVE your pup a hug today!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Walking Keeps Your Dog Healthy

Molly and I were out today in the clear warm sunshine... walking is good for you and your pet!!  They stay healthy and so do you!  But if you are busy and don't have time.... what about your pup?

If they are stuck in the backyard all day - we are there for you!

Leave a message here and we will get back with you soon! Or call at: 720/933-7915

Monday, March 25, 2013

HI all!  Snow on the ground today... and it is cold outside!  We will be walking today.  My Molly loves it and so do I!  Have a sunny dog-filled day today all!

HI!  My name is Maxine and here I am with my rescued pup: Molly.

WE live in your neighborhood: IDYLLWILDE.

AND we are WILDE for dogs!

I have recently retired from some 30 years coaching Figure Skating.

Molly and I walk every single day: except when we have a huge snow.

If you need dog walking or dog sitting or dog feeding, give us a call.

WE are here when you can't be or are stuck at work!


$15 per walk/1 hour

$35 Pet sitting/visits/feeding per day

Leave us a message here and I will get back with you a.s.a.p.
Thanks and have a DOG-FILLED day!