Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Still Walking

My Molly and I are still able to walk daily here in Colorado....we have had a couple of beautiful weeks of warm weather....sometimes in the 60's.  I love it because by midday, the sun feels so warm and we can walk long and hard and not get too sweaty.

I currently have a couple of clients that I see every day too and we walk as well.  I wonder sometimes why I am very tired at night, and then I realize that I have been on 3 walks in a day!  All of this is good however, for me and the pups too.  We are all keeping in shape and definitely sleeping well!

Remember to walk your pet whenever you can.  If you can't, then get someone who can.  They need the daily exercise.  It helps to keep their weight down.  They will be happier and healthier too.  But you both will benefit the most just being together and seeing the wonderful outdoors.  And your pup will love you for it!