Thursday, August 29, 2013

MOLLY and FRIENDS: Stoli and Daisy

Here is a picture of my Molly with her two best buddies: Stoli and Daisy.  In a way they are very dear to her since she spent time with them at their home after their Mom rescued Molly from the Dumb Friends League.  I won't go into all the details, but I can tell you what a loving person with a good heart can do for these creatures.  I thank GOD for their Mom, Katie, each and every day, because without her, we would not have Molly.

It is funny how life works and how this all started with a friend of a friend letting someone know that a dog needed a good home.  We had just lost our Charlie four months earlier....and Molly came into our lives to fill that hole that Charlie left.  She is very loving to us and loyal too.  I never go anywhere in the house without her right at my heels!

Since I had Charlie featured on Rainbow Bridge on Facebook, I check there often, and read over and over the grief of someone losing their beloved pet.  But I recommend this site.... shared grief helps.  And those of us who have felt the sting can help those going through it.   Here is how Charlie was shown:

It still brings tears to my eyes when I look at it.  But that is what a loving pet does.  They come into your life to give you that unconditional love.  I am now able to say that when you lose a loving dog, don't close up your heart..... open it again wide for another bundle of love.  Adopt from a shelter.....too many of our loving canines have been abandoned there alone.  My Molly is proof of what a loving heart can do for a  dog.... thank you sweet Katie.... the Gonzalez family is forever grateful!

P.S. If you have a pup, give them a HUG today!

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