Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Molly and I continue to walk together, however, we are now in the heat here in Arizona.  We are currently in a heat wave.  My car is reading 113 sometimes.

I suggest that you walk very early.....six o'clock.  Please take water for your pup as well.  Molly usually drinks all that I bring for her.

I don't know about you but I have been getting mosquito bites as well.  So please make sure you are giving your pup their monthly Heartworm.  That is something you don't want your dog to get....ever.  It is a horrible thing for a dog to die from.

Here in Arizona there are signs warning you about leaving your pet in a hot car.  Honestly it can fry their brains in as little as 10 minutes.  If you see a pet in a car do your best to get it out or it will die.  But so far here I haven't seen any pets left in cars.  Or children!

Another time you can walk your pet is at least the sun isn't out.  It still feels warm but it seems better somehow.

Happy Walking and Enjoy your Summer!

Monday, February 2, 2015


My Molly and I continue to walk together each morning.  No matter how I feel I make myself go with her and she is always excited of course!

We have traded in evergreens and snow for cactus and palm trees.  Colorado is such a beautiful state, but I am finding the desert is amazing too.  Bushes and trees bloom all year and some even in the dark of night!

I don't know about you, but I enjoy the quiet company of a dog.  They follow you everywhere and are constant company with love unending.

Molly turned 7 last month and her health is excellent right now.  I attribute it to all of our walks together.  Like us, if they keep moving they will do well with their joints and keeping their weight down is such a benefit.

Keep walking my friends, it is totally worth the trouble and over time I promise you will grow to love it and so will your pup!

Friday, January 9, 2015


We have much beauty here in the Valley of the Sun.....some would say the desert is ugly, but I see flowers all around that are blooming at different times.  And you can't forget those palm trees!  I am turning into a Palm tree kind of girl!

Anyway, January is the time for new beginnings and new starts.  So I encourage you to get out with your pup and start to walk.  You both will benefit for sure.  Larger dogs need to keep those extra pounds off due to their hips and little dogs just need the exercise.

I noticed today in my neighborhood them spraying some type of pesticide in all the rock areas so I will make sure Molly doesn't get near any of that.  Always look and check and if you aren't sure then really wash and wipe the pups paws when you return home.

HOPE everyone has a HAPPY NEW YEAR from our house to yours!